Sunday, December 29, 2019
Best of Youth Language 2015 - Who is Alpha-Kevin
First off, â€Å"Alpha-Kevin†will sadly not join the ranks of â€Å"Youth Word of the Year.†The term was deemed discriminating for people called Kevin. Why that is and what â€Å"Alpha-Kevin†is actually supposed to meanâ€â€we’ll get to that in a bit. Langenscheidt, a dictionary publisher, has Germans vote annually for the â€Å"Youth Word of the Year,†coinciding with the release of its â€Å"Youth Language†dictionary. The vote is evolved to an annual tradition and draws major attention from the media year after year. For adults, the â€Å"Youth Language†dictionaries and the â€Å"Word of the Year†serve as a recurring reminder that youth goes by pretty quickly. Even people in their early twenties often wonder what those weird words, terms, and combinations are supposed to mean. The winners of prior â€Å"Youth Word of the Year†votes were terms such as: The Candidates for the German Word of the Year Award Là ¤uft bei dir (2014) – This term  translates roughly to â€Å"you’re cool.†or â€Å"way to go.†â€Å"Babo (2013) – â€Å"Babo†directly relates to the Bosnian word for father, but, among young Germans is used with the meaning of boss or leader. It came to wide recognition through a song by the rapper â€Å"Haftbefehl†. â€Å"YOLO (2012) – An acronym for â€Å"You Only Live Once†– one of the many â€Å"Anglicisms†that migrated into the German language via the internet. â€Å"Swag (2011) – Another urban slang word that was adopted from English. â€Å"Swag† refers to a laid-back or cool appeal. The last years and the rise of social media have shown that the winning word of the Langenscheidt contest will make its way deep into German pop culture, going way past youth language. That of course means we are very excited about this year’s vote. Here’s a short list of the highest ranking words in the 2015 poll: â€Å"merkeln†â€â€Leading the vote up to now, â€Å"merkeln†is, of course, an allusion to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s political style. She is known for often hesitating to take clear positions, to make decisions, or to even comment on current public issues. Furthermore, â€Å"merkeln†translates to â€Å"doing nothing†. What German youth call â€Å"merkeln†, German intellectuals and newspapers call â€Å"Merkelismus†(basically merkelism). Perhaps because it’s not only younger Germans who identify with â€Å"merkeln†that explains the term’s lead in the popular vote. â€Å"Merkeln†is actually not the only term that has been derived from politicians’ names, e.g., the former Minister of Defence Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s name has morphed into â€Å"guttenbergen,†which means â€Å"to plagiarize†or â€Å"to copy†â€â€referring to Guttenberg’s plagia rism scandal. Former Federal President Christian Wulff, forced to resign for corrupt practices, is another famous politician mocked for his mishaps. In the midst of a corruption scandal, Wulff called the editor of Bild, a very popular German tabloid, to persuade him not to publish the story about Wulff’s involvement, but reached the editor’s voice mail instead, so he left a voice mail. Wulff’s voice mail was leaked to the media. Everyone had a laugh and to â€Å"wulffen†means to leave such a voice mail. â€Å"rumoxidieren†â€â€Translated as â€Å"to chill†, this word derives from the chemical process of oxidizing. Imagine old stranded ships turned to rust. â€Å"Earthporn†â€â€Another English term, in this case one out of a long line of â€Å"porns†that were created in social media. From â€Å"bookporn,†being about looking at beautiful pictures of books and bookshelves, to â€Å"cabin porn†, centering around pictures of scenic remote cabins and huts, there is, as always, nothing that doesn’t exist on the internet. In this sense, â€Å"porn†is basically a word for looking at delightful images of variations of the same topic. â€Å"Earthporn,†equal to â€Å"Nature Porn†, refers to charming landscapes. â€Å"Smombie†â€â€This one is the combination of the words â€Å"Smartphone†and â€Å"Zombie.†It refers to people who walk the streets without watching where they’re going, because they look only at their phone’s screen. â€Å"Tinderella†â€â€This slightly sexist term describes a girl or woman who excessively uses dating-apps or platforms such as Tinder. Even though I very much enjoy â€Å"merkeln,†my favorite word is â€Å"swaggetarier.†It depicts people who are vegetarians only for image reasons, â€Å"swaggetarians†so to speak. The Influence of the English Language The numerous words in our youth’s speech that originate in English certainly mirror the Anglo- American influence on Germany. The history of Germany, the USA, and the UK being so closely intertwined, especially since World War II, is a possible explanation for the huge influence of the English language on German culture and particularly pop culture. It really is remarkable how many loan words and â€Å"denglish†mash-up terms make it into urban German and diverse sociolects. Does Slang have to be Politically Correct? Well, what about â€Å"Alpha-Kevin†? The meaning of the term is something along the lines of â€Å"the stupidest of them all†. In Germany, the name Kevin is mostly associated with kids from social milieus with less access to education than the â€Å"average†German or with people from the former GDR. You can see why the Langenscheidt-Jury thought it discriminating, even though they withdrew it from the competition only after being heavily criticized for including it in the first place. But, since â€Å"Alpha-Kevin†led the vote, there was quite a lot of protest in the social media, including an online petition aiming to reinstate the term. Without its strongest contender, it looks like â€Å"merkeln†is going to be awarded the title of â€Å"Youth Word 2015†. Now it’s up to us to wait to see what Chancellor Angela Merkel has to say about that outcome or if she’s going to â€Å"merkel†her way out of it.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Questions and Answers on the Fast Food Industry and The...
Question One. Jollibee is considered to be one of the largest fast food chains in the Philippines. The company operates a network of 750 stores nationwide. As a leader in the Philippines the company has been able to expand internationally and currently is in pursuit of completing a plan that can make them a global brand. The company is such a royal success in the Asian Pacific coast that its expansion is sure to be a living success here in the US. Tony Tan is the founder of Jollibee, which started out as an Ice Cream Parlor back in 1975. The company thrives on a family-oriented type of approach; this is one that has made them a very admirable employer in many countries. The tasty menu options are also a huge factor in Jollibee’s continued success. The Values of the company are; customer focus, excellence, respect for the individual, teamwork, spirit of family and fun, humility to listen and learn, honesty and integrity, and frugality. The mission of the company is simply to serve great tasting food and to bring joy to eating to everyone. A long list of milestones within the company’s history is also mark the company with excellence. Jollibee expanded to California, USA in 1999, and has since been struggling to stay afloat. The famous pineapple topped burger seemed to be a sure hit over in its home of the Philippines. There are currently eight stores in California and the projections are 30% below the expected projection rates. Jollibee seems to haveShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Delta And Virgin Airlines Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagescase study of Delta Airlines which was suffering like all its competitors with rising fuel costs which averaged anywhere between 30 to 50 percent of its total operating costs. This paper will answer six questions which will help identify what the company did to handle the high cost of fuel. The questions that I will answer will include the following. 1. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Energy Drinks Market in Denmark Free Essays
string(26) " Burn and Red Bull\? 3 1\." Table of Contents 1. Introduction3 1. 1 Problem Description3 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Energy Drinks Market in Denmark or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 Problem Statement3 1. 2. 1 What is the preference of customers between Burn and Red Bull? 3 1. You read "Energy Drinks Market in Denmark" in category "Papers" 2. 2 How should Burn products be developed and how should they be priced? 3 1. 2. 3 How should Coca-cola Denmark promote and distribute Burn? 3 1. 3 Definitions3 1. 3. 1 Energy drink3 1. 3. 2 Burn energy drink4 1. 3. 3 Red Bull energy drink4 1. 4 Demarcations (Scope and limitation of the study)4 2 Theoretical Background4 2. 1 Market segmentation5 2. 2 Competitive Benchmark Analysis5 2. 3 Marketing Mix (4 Ps)5 3 Methodology Description5 . 1 Research Design5 3. 2 Primary and secondary data collection5 3. 3 Qualitative data collection6 3. 4 Quantitative data collection6 4 Presentation and analysis of data6 4. 1 Market Segmentation of energy drinks6 4. 1. 1 Analysis of Focused group interview:6 4. 1. 2 Analysis of Online questionnaire survey7 4. 2 Competitor Benchmark (Burn and Red Bull)10 4. 2. 1 Analysis of Focused group inter view:10 4. 2. 2 Analysis of Online questionnaire survey11 5 Findings and summary of the analysis13 6 Recommendations14 6. 1 Product14 6. 2 Price14 6. 3 Place14 6. 4 Promotion14 7 Conclusion15 References16 9 Appendices17 1. Introduction Danish soft drinks sales have recorded positive volume growth in recent years. Strong volume growth was recorded in energy drinks sales attributed to the aggressive marketing and new product launches. Some of the major players in the Danish energy drink market are Burn and Red Bull. Accordingly, the main aim of this report will be to identify and analyze the possible ways for Burn energy drink product to compete with the world famous energy drink Red Bull which has recently entered into Danish energy drink market in 2009. . 1 Problem Description In 2009, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration approved the increase of caffeine level in energy drink. This has given a wide-open-door for beverage companies to develop in this segment. Taking advanta ge of this opportunity, Red bull the world’s most famous energy drink company, started to compete within the Danish energy drink market. On the other hand, Coca-cola Denmark also considered it as an opportunity to further develop product chain of its energy drink Burn. In Denmark, Burn has been dominating the energy drink market so far but now with the entry of Red Bull into the market it will now have to strategically develop its marketing mix to find a better way to compete with Red Bull and maintain its dominant position. 1. 2 Problem Statement We define the problem question for our research as follows: How could Burn compete with Red Bull on the Danish energy drink market? To support main question we have formulated some sub questions. They are as follows: 1. 2. 1 What is the preference of customers between Burn and Red Bull? . 2. 2 How should Burn products be developed and how should they be priced? 1. 2. 3 How should Coca-cola Denmark promote and distribute Burn? 1. 3 Definitions 1. 3. 1 Energy drink Energy drink can be defined as a drink or the beverage that contains higher doses of caffeine and other stimulating agents that give you instant energy. The doses of the caffeine and the stimulants are legally approved by the government health au thorities. The main purpose of drinking an Energy drink is to get an instant energy to your body. 1. 3. 2 Burn energy drink Burn Energy Drink is a functional beverage, mixture of 14 ingredients that come in a 16 ounce can and is available at almost every grocery store or convenience store across Denmark. It is one of the products of Coca-Cola Company. 1. 3. 3 Red Bull energy drink Red Bull Energy Drink is a functional beverage, specially developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion. It can be drunk in virtually any situation: during sports, at work, whilst driving and during leisure activities. 1. 4 Demarcations (Scope and limitation of the study) As every report has its limitations, this report is also subject to various limitations. This report is based on two products, Burn and Red Bull which are the products of The Coca-Cola Company and The Red Bull Company respectively. These two companies have various product categories; however this report will be focused only on those two products among wide category of energy drink in energy drink sector. As far as the market place is concerned, this report is limited to the Danish market. Most of the consumers of energy drinks in Danish market are mainly the younger people aged 18-25. Considering this fact we have selected this age group as our target group. 2 Theoretical Background This section of the report helps to provide the broad theoretical framework used for interpreting the research presented in this report. Various marketing theories have been applied as a background in this report. Theory of Market segmentation is used to analyze Burn and Red Bull in the Danish Market. To analyze the competition between Burn and Red Bull, Competitor Benchmark Analysis is used. Finally Using the theory of Marketing Mix (4 Ps), recommendation to Burn has been made to successfully develop its marketing campaign so that it can increase its sales and compete with Red Bull. 2. 1 Market segmentation Market segmentation will be identified by taking into consideration the demographic variables (like gender, different age group and life style) and geographical locations (various cities of Denmark) like Center of Copenhagen, Sj? lland, Fyn and Jylland 2. 2 Competitive Benchmark Analysis Competitive benchmark of Burn will be made with its direct competitor, Red Bull. For this we will take various factors which are flavor, taste, brand, price, place (convenient to buy), packaging and effectiveness of the products. During our group discussion these factors came up as the most relevant criteria for making competitive benchmark. Accordingly, respondents were asked to rate and evaluate both Burn and Red Bull on those factors during the online survey. 2. 3 Marketing Mix (4 Ps) Marketing Mix i. e. 4 Ps will be taken as theoretical base for providing recommendation to Burn after the analysis of data and findings are presented. Accordingly, Product, Price, Place and Promotion Strategy will be presented in order for Burn to successfully compete against its rival Red Bull. Then after, the conclusion will be made. 3 Methodology Description This section of the report gives information about the stages that we went through while doing the research and writing the report. 3. Research Design We chose exploratory design as our research design. We have a research problem which is unstructured. We do not have enough information about our topic for which we have to investigate more on our topic. Both Qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are used. To gain more and more information and insights about the probl em topic, Qualitative research design was chosen. Using qualitative data collection method, it became easier for us to change translate and reformulate our unstructured questions. Quantitative method is also used in order to check the validity of the results obtained from qualitative method. For quantitative data collection we tried to get as many respondents as possible who can represent the total population. 3. 2 Primary and secondary data collection For this research we have chosen both Qualitative and Quantitative data collection method for primary data. Similarly, wherever required, we have also used secondary data from the articles, publications and website of the company as well as blogs and other relevant news articles. 3. 3 Qualitative data collection To collect the qualitative data, a focus group interview was conducted. We prepared the interview guide for the focus group which is attached in the appendix. The focus group contained 11 members who are the students from 2nd semester class at Niels Brock. After the completion of interview process we also took a blind test among the focus group interview participants plus 15 other students. Students were chosen randomly. Each of them were given to drink two glasses, one filled with Burn and another filled with Red Bull and were asked which one they like and how they taste. The responses from the participants were used for the analysis. 3. 4 Quantitative data collection To collect quantitative data, we prepared structured questionnaire. It consisted of 15 questions (open and closed ended questions). We posted our research questionnaire in the Facebook blogs and invited 600 Facebook users through simple random method. We got only 116 responses and of which only 77 respondents answered all questions of questionnaire. So in this research 77 respondents are our total number of observation. In other words our sample size is 77 which represent the total population of energy drink customers in Denmark. 4 Presentation and analysis of data The presentation and analysis of data has been categorized as Market segmentation and Competitor Benchmark. 4. 1 Market Segmentation of energy drinks 4. 1. 1 Analysis of Focused group interview: During the focused group interview, 11 participants were asked about the consumption of energy drink every week. Among the participants, 1 participant consumes 5 or more cans per week. 4 respondents consume 3 to 4 cans and 1-2 cans as well. Whereas, 2 respondents consume less than 1 can of energy drink. Thus their consumption habit is around 1-4 cans per week. When there was a discussion about the occasions during which they consume the energy drink, most of the answers was during workout, training or going to sports and when mixing with alcohol. There was also a discussion about having coffee instead of energy drink when one is tired. participants said that they prefer coffee whereas others preferred energy drink. Regarding price, most of the respondents voted for cheaper one, less than 20 DKK and between15-17 DKK. 4. 1. 2 Analysis of Online questionnaire survey The willingness of various age groups towards energy drink is illustrated in the diagram below. It shows that 56% of respo ndents from age group 18 to 25 years are interested in energy drink. Figure 1 Willingness of various age-groups towards energy drink Source: Appendix 4 Similarly, 20% of respondents from the age group below 18 and 26-35 years age group showed their interest in energy drink. But only 4% of the elderly respondents are interested in energy drink. Thus, it can be seen that the highest number of people from the age group 18-25 years are interested in the energy drink. Figure 2 Willingness towards energy drink by gender Source: Appendix 5 The above figure shows that 68% of male population is interested in energy drink whereas only 32% of female population is interested in Energy drink. Figure 3 Willingness towards energy drink by location Source: Appendix 6 According to the above figure, most of the respondents from center of Copenhagen are interested in energy drink. 8% respondents from the Copenhagen region and 32% respondents from Sj? land region showed interest in energy drink. While analysisng the age wise consumption of energy drink which is illustrated in the figure below it has been seen that the data is bit conflicting. Figure 4 Age wise consumption of energy drink Source: Appendix 7 As shown by the diagram, those who almost never drink energy drinks are higher in age group 18 to 25 years. But again, those drinking from 1-2 cans per week are also higher number in age category 18-25 years but less ompared to those who never drink. But what can be concluded that those who drinks energy drinks they normally consume 12 cans per week and are higher in 18-25 years category. Analyzing the preferred occasions when customers usually like to drink energy drink, the research show that customers usually prefer it to mix with alcohol as their first preference and then drinking when they are tired. Figure 5 Occasional preference of Energy Drink by gender Source: Appendix 8 The above graph shows most of both females and males consume energy drink when they mix with alcohol. 2 females out of 35 female respondents (63%) and 19 males out of 42 male respondents (45%) said they consume it when they mix with alcohol. Similarly 43% of female and 40 % of male respondents answered that they take energy drink when they are tired. Likewise, 11% female a nd 33% male said that they take it when they go to sports. 14% of female and 21% of male chose energy drink when they are thirsty and 6% of female and 7% of male chose for other occasions. Figure 6 Customers willingness to pay for the energy drink Source: Appendix 9 Relating to the price it can be clearly seen from the figure above that 18-25 years age group which is the target customers for energy drinks are willing to pay 16-20 DKK for the energy drinks where as 26-35 years age group are willing to pay 10-15 DKK for the drink. 4. 2 Competitor Benchmark (Burn and Red Bull) 4. 2. 1 Analysis of Focused group interview: During the focused group interview, 8 out of 11 participants preferred Red Bull. Only 3 preferred Burn. When there was a discussion of product features like taste, flavor and effectiveness of the products; participants said that effectiveness of the product is important. During the blind test 26 participants were made to taste both Burn and Red Bull drinks blindfolded. Table 1 Preference of product by tasting without knowing the product (Blind Test) BurnRed BullBoth Total no. of participant (26)9152 The research showed that Red Bull was highly preferred by the participants with 58% appreciating the taste of Red Bull. Burn was preferred by only 35% of the participants. 4. 2. 2 Analysis of Online questionnaire survey The illustration of various measures to which the consumer gave importance when buying energy drink is shown in the figure below. Figure 7 Customers’ emphasis when buying energy drink Source: Appendix 10 We found data of customers according to the importance they give to various measures or elements when they want to buy an energy drink. The above graph shows that 53% of the total respondents said flavor is very important when they buy energy drink. About taste, 60% said it is very important. None of the respondents said that it is not important at all. Talking about brand, only 19% said very important, 34% said important, 30% said not so important and 17% said not important at all. About price, 51 %( more than half population) said that it is very important. Only 5% said not so important and no respondents said that it is not important at all. So far as convenient place to buy is concerned, 29% said very important, 54% said important. When packaging is concerned 16% said very important, 29% said important 39% said not so important and 16% said not important at all. When it is about effectiveness, 44% said it is very important, 38% said important. Thus the analysis shows that flavor, taste, price, convenient buying options and effectiveness of the drinks are important for customers where as brand and packaging are not that important in buying decision. Based on the various factors to which the consumers give preference when buying energy drinks, comparative analysis between Burn and Red Bull has been carried out. This can be described from the figure given below. We asked the respondents to evaluate Burn and Red Bull giving them 4 options (Very Good, Good, Bad, Very Bad). But here in the analysis we have taken only two options as we think these two options are sufficient for comparative analysis. Figure 8 Comparison of Burn and Red Bull based on the various factors Source: Appendix 11 The above figure shows the customers preference between Burn and Red Bull on he various factors which are important for their buying decision. 34% of the total respondents said the flavor of Burn is good and 23% said very good while 48% and 29% said the flavor of Red Bull is good and very good respectively. Similarly, 39% and 13% of the total respondents said the taste of Burn is good and very good respectively while 52% and 29% respectively chose goo d and very good for the taste of Red Bull. As far as brand is considered, 39% and 26% said the Burn brand is good and very good respectively while 42% and 45% said Red Bull brand is good and very good respectively. When it is about price, 27% and 12% chose good and very good for Burn while 16% and 12% for Red Bull. 35% and 23% of total population said Burn is good and very good respectively when considering convenient to buy whereas for Red Bull it is 38% and 17% respectively. About packaging 36% and 22% answered good and very good for Burn while for Red Bull its 45% and 18%. Finally for the effectiveness of the product, 39% and 18% respectively chose good and very good for Burn while it is 45% and 25% for Red Bull. Thus the analysis shows that customers highly prefer Red Bull while relating to flavor, taste, and brand. On the other hand, with relating to price, convenient to buy and nice packaging, customers seemed to prefer Burn. So far as the effectiveness is concerned, Preference towards Red Bull is high but the difference is not so much. 5 Findings and summary of the analysis According to the analysis presented above, it can be seen that the energy drink market segmentation is more concentrated on the costumers between age group of 18-25 and that the customers are dominantly male rather than female. Looking at the geographic distribution the market segment is undoubtedly concentrated on Copenhagen with to some extent also in Sj? land. However, the other fact is also that since Copenhagen is the largest city with dense population this result is quite obvious. The other important findings of the study regarding the life style of the customers relating to the consumption of energy drinks is that energy drinks are excessively consumed as a mix in alcohol and then it is consumed while people get tired. Also energy drinks are often consumed just 1 or 2 cans per week. Normally customers are willing to pay 16-20 DKK for the drink. The analysis shows that in general the customers give high importance to the flavor, taste, price, effectiveness and buying convenience while making their buying decisions of energy drinks and that the brand and packaging are not of importance for the customers. Keeping this in mind the competitor benchmark of Burn and Red Bull Red Bull clearly shows that though Red Bull being a new entrant in the Danish market it has succeeded in taking good share of energy drink market in Denmark. Red Bull is preferred by customers in terms of its flavor, taste which are important factor in general for customers while making their buying decisions. Similarly, with the effectiveness as well Red Bull is preferred by customers in comparison to Burn. Burn is preferred by customers in packaging which not of important factor for customers. But Burn still dominate Red Bull in terms of its easy availability at stores which is due to the fact that it is distributed by Carlsberg Brewery which is considered to have a very strong distribution channel in Danish market. (footnote) Again at price Burn is rated better owing to the fact that they are cheaper than Red Bull. Of course with the brand Red Bull is rated much better as it is an internationally recognized brand. Recommendations Based on above findings following recommendations have been suggested for Burn to improve its products, promotion and pricing strategy. The recommendations will be based on the marketing mix (4 Ps) which is product, price, place and promotion. 6. 1 Product Since the research findings show that Red Bull has dominant preference by customers in terms of flavor, ta ste and effectiveness, therefore Burn has to come up with innovative product development in order to provide added value to its product so that customers preferences divert towards Burn. Therefore, considerable amount of resources and time should be spent on research and development of variety of flavors and appealing taste with its product. Since the market segment of the energy drink is mostly 18-25 years old and that they consume it as mix in alcohol so the taste preference of these age group should be taken into consideration and the flavor and taste should be developed which is appealing while mixing with alcohol as well. 6. 2 Price Relating to the price, Burn is cheaper that Red Bull and realizing the fact that Red Bull is gaining market share it is wise to maintain its low price strategy. . 3 Place The research show Burn with strong placement but since strong distribution channel is its one of core competencies it has to fully utilize this competences to move ahead form Red Bull to place its products at all the convenient stores. The major priority should be given to Copenhagen since it’s the main market segment but again taking advantage of its well ma naged distribution channel it should also focus on other cities where Red Bull are not able to reach due to lack of experience with the Danish market. . 4 Promotion A well planned advertising strategy should be developed mainly targeting on the 18-25 years age group and again the male customers who are the major customers of energy drinks. Though Red Bull is world recognized brand, Burn also has its brand reputation as it is a product of world class Coca Cola Company. Thus advertising campaign should also be focused to create awareness of the Coca Cola brand among the customers while promoting Burn which can positively influence customers’ choice. Conclusion Based on the research analysis and findings, it can be concluded that within the Danish energy drinks market Burn is definitely getting a tough competition from Red Bull despite the fact the Red Bull is a new entrant in Danish market. Its global brand recognition has provided Red Bull with competitive strength which can b e a serious threat to Burn in coming future. Therefore it is a must for Burn to take timely action and initiate necessary marketing strategies to compete with Red Bull. Burn has low price advantage as well as strong distribution channel which provide Burn with an edge in the competitive market and therefore it needs to look more into product development and promotion strategy in order to compete with Red Bull and thus gain success in the competitive energy drink market. 8 References Books David Jobber. (2007). Principles and Practice of Marketing. UK. McGraw-Hill Education Pervez GH, Kjell Gr. (2005). Research Methods in Business Studies. UK. Pearson Education Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2007). Business Research Methods. 2nd Ed. UK. Oxford University Press Burns, A. C. and Bush, R. F. (2006) Marketing Research, 5th ed. , Prentice Hall Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006) Marketing Management, 12th ed. , Prentice Hall Svend Hollensen, (2007) Global Marketing – a decision-oriented approach, Websites http://www. euromonitor. com/Soft_Drinks_in_Denmark http://advantageaustria. org/dk/news/local/Red-Bull-und-Shark. en. jsp http://www. aeofooddrink. com/34. php http://www. dietspotlight. com/burn-energy-drink-review/ http://www. redbull. com/cs/Satellite/en_INT/Products/Red-Bull-Energy-Drink-021242751115866? =1242745950125#/product-FAQ 9 Appendices Appendix 1 Questionnaire Dear respondents, we make this survey in order to obtain more comprehensive knowledge about the energy drink sector in Denmark, particularly the two big brands: Burn and RedBull. So we would highly appreciate if you spend a few minutes answering our questionnaire. Your information will be treated anonymously! 1. How interested are you in energ y drinks? oVery interested oInterested oNot very interested oNot intererested at all 2. How often do you drink energy drinks? oAlmost never oFrom 1 – 2 cans per week From 2-5 cans per week oMore than 5 cans per week 3. ON WHAT OCCASIONS DO YOU DRINK ENERGY DRINKS? oWhen I’m tired oWhen I’m thirsty oWhen I go to sports oWhen I mix with alcohol oOther (please specify in the box below) 4. Where do you often buy energy drinks? oIn the super markets oIn the bars oIn Seven Eleven oIn small shops (eg: gas station, kiosk etc) oOther (please specify in the box) 5. How much would you like to pay for an energy drink? o10 – 15 Kr o16 – 20 Kr o21 – 25 Kr oMore than 25 Kr 6. How important are the following factors when you buy energy drinks? Very important Important Not so important not important at all Good flavor Good taste Good brand Reasonable price Convenient to buy Nice packaging The effectiveness of the drinks 7. Which of these brands do you know? oBurn oRed Bull oNone of them 8. Which one of these brands do you prefer? oBurn oRed Bull oNone of them 9. How do you evaluate RED BULL in the following factors? Very goodGoodNot good-not badBad Very bad Brand Taste Flavor Price Convenient to buy Packaging Effectiveness 10. Do you have any recommendations for RED BULL to better meet your satisfaction? I don’t know oI’m already very satisfied oI would recommend as follows: 11. How do you evaluate BURN in the following factors? Very good Good Not good-not bad Bad Very bad Brand Taste Flavor Price Convenient to buy Packaging Effectiveness 12. Do you have any recommendations for BURN to better meet your satisfaction? oI don’t know oI’m already very satisfied! oI would recommend as follows: 13. Wha t is your age? oYounger than 18 years old oFrom 18 – 25 years old oFrom 26 – 35 years old 14. What is your gender? oMale oFemale 15. Which part of Denmark do you live in? oCenter of Copenhagen oSj? lland oFyn oJylland Appendix 2 Interview guide for focus group What criteria do people choose when they buy energy drink products? Are different flavors important? What occasion do they drink energy drink? Eg: when they’re tired, or mix with strong alcohol, etc. What product name(s) do they like? Why? Do they know Burn/Red Bull? Where do they buy? Do they like Burn/Red Bull products? How much should a can of energy drink cost? Appendix 3 Fokus gruppe analyse 2. Semester klasse Niels Brock Lien, Niraj, Silas og Michelle Market research Alle kender begge 11 deltager 8 ud af 11 kan lide red bull Dog viste det at 6 ud af 11 faktisk kun valgte Red Bull efter blinde smagning Smagen er bedre, burn er for sodt. (inden smagning af begge m? rker) Hvor mange energidrinks drikker du per uge? 1 drikker 4-5 cans a week 4 – 3-4 cans 4 – 1-2 cans 2 mindre end 1 Hvornar drikker du energidrinks? Sprut, tr? ning, Det er meget i forhold til det at man drikker alkohol. Enighed blandt minimum 8 af deltagerne Dog drikker mange det ogsa hvis de er tr? tte eller skal til tr? ning efter en lang dag i skole. Kaffe frem for energi drink hvis man kan lide det hvis man er tr? t og skal videre, dette mener 6 ud af 11 af deltagerne hvor de andre ikke kan lide kaffe eller mener at en energi drik er bedre†¦ Hvor meget vil du betale for en energidrink? Ikke mere end 20kr, mellem15-17kr ca er de fleste villige til at betale Men ville kobe den billigste hvis de stod mod hinanden pa hylden i super marked. Energien er mere vigtig end smagen. Irriterende reklamer – for meget nogenhed – provokerende reklamer – mener 2 af deltagerne, Red Bull promoverer ikke sadan (I Dk hvert fald) How to cite Energy Drinks Market in Denmark, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Orangutan Foundation
Question: Describe the STP plan and the literature for finding the scope of Orang-utan Foundation in Australian tourism market. Answer: Introduction This report is basically for finding the market segmentation of the Orang-utan Foundation in Australian tourism market. It will discuss about the Orang-utan Foundation, Literature review related to the market segmentation of the Orang-utan Foundation. The STP plan of the Orang-utan foundation will help in developing its market strategy and plan. STP plan includes the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of the organisation. The Orang-utan Foundation The Orang-utan foundation is a non- profit organisation, founded in 1986. It was established by DR. Birute Mary Galdikas (About Orangutanm 2014). This foundation works for saving and conserving the wild Orang-utans. This also habitats the rainforest related to Orang-utan. The Orang-utan foundation also provides its services for researching on orang-utans and forests. One of the major work of this foundation is also to provide education in local and both international. This organisation generates the knowledge and awareness concerned to the Orang-utans. Orang-utan Foundation is committed for the welfare of Orang-utan worldwide. It is present in all over the world. It also runs an Orang-utan Care Centre and Quarantine facility. This facility is basically provided in the Dayak village of Indonesia. This facility provides the employment opportunity for more than 200 local Indonesian people. Orang-utan also runs an adult male Orang-utan zoo named Rusti in New Jersey and Honolulu zoo in Hawaii. It also operates a research centre Camp Leakey. This research centre researches on the Orang-utans in Tanjung Putting National Park. (Orangutan, 2014) The mission of Orang-utan Foundation is dedicated towards the Orang-utans. It aims to provide help in saving the populations of Orang-utans worldwide. This mission includes the protection of Orang-utan habitat, release and rehabilitation of wild born Orang-utans. Orang-utan Foundation also missions to educate people in Indonesia, Malaysia, Lithuania, UK, Australia and United States. Literature review According to the report of Helen Buckland, Palm oil is threatening the apes. Thus, in the UK, according to the statistics, palm oil can be found in only 10% of the supermarkets present in the UK (Helen, 2012). There are various problems that are being faced by the Orang-utans worldwide. Thus, Orang-utan foundation works for the Orang-utan. According to a report of Orang-utan Foundation, Orang-utan killing is dirty big secret of palm oil and pulp and paper concession world. (Orang-utan foundation, 2012, P.3) This type of facts and figures about the Orang-utans are found by the Orang-utan Foundation. Camp Rendelle, a program by Orang-utan Foundation is dedicated to find and research these types of facts for preserving and conserving the Orang-utans worldwide. There are also various other organizations which work in this field. According to a research report and film by IMAX, they research about the Orang-utans and find the facts like the life span of Orang-utan, which is around 60 years and they generally like to live alone (IMAX, 2011). If we talk about the Orang-utan Foundation, it started with a clear motive of saving and caring about the Orang-utan of world. The population of the orang-utans are decreasing day by day due to various factors. Currently, the reason of the decrease in the number of orang-utans is not known. Orang-utan foundation is working and researching on the various factors which are becoming the reason of decrease in the population of orang-utans worldwide. According to Newsome Wildlife, tourism is, when people like to see wildlife. (Newsome, 2005). Wildlife is actually life of animals, environment in which they live, and other factors related to the life of animals. There is a very wide market of wildlife tourism in Australia. A research was done by CRC tourism, wherein, the interview of 1356 people were performed out of which, nearly 440 people had visited a wildlife place. This was just a substantial proportion, in reality, 71.1% of the Australian people like to visit Wildlife (Fredline, 2007). According to a report, currently, there are nearly 600 operators of ecotourism in Australia. Nearly 85% of these operations only employ 20 people. Ecotourism in Australia is increasing significantly every year (Active Tourism, 2012). Wild life in Australia is very well known. In terms of Orang-utan, various projects are running in Australia for saving the Orang-utans. One of the famous programmes that are running for preserving the Orang-utan is, Adopt an Orang-utan. The philosophy behind this programme is that by adopting an orang-utan will teach them about their self care and survival. In this project, a motherless Orang-utan is being cared by a team of programme which helps these orang-utans to learn how they can care themselves and how they can survive in this world which is full of hunters (The Orang-utan Project, 2014). Thus, this clearly indicates that the people of Australia love the wildlife. They love to preserve and care for the wild life animals. According to the report published by the tourism corporation of Australia, the tourism in Australia is growing every year and the tourism management of Australia is aiming to increase the tourists every year. The report is basically from 2009 to 2020 (Tourism Orangutan, 2013). It clearly shows the data for 2009 to 2013 and after that the estimated data are published by the Tourism of Australia. By observing the estimated and the real data of the year 2014 it can be said clearly that Australian Tourism has worked well and accomplished its goal. In terms of wild life tourism, the Australian tourism is also running various programmes which increases the wild life tourism in Australia (Tourism Orangutan, 2014). The Orang-utan foundation has great scope in Australia for wild life tourism as the people of Australia extremely like the wild life. As the Australian tourism is also working towards increasing the wild life, tourism in Australia will help the Orang-utan foundation to grow in Australia. The Orang-utan foundation is also running various programmes to save the wild life. This will also create the feeling and interest of Australian people towards the wild life (Cosen Gray, 2012). STP Plan for Australian Tourism market The plan of The Orang-utan Foundation includes various strategies and programmes for Australian Tourism market. Australian people are very fond of the wild life animals. Thus, there is a high scope of The Orang-utan foundation in Australian Tourism market. There is a great revolution in the people of Australia towards the wild life animals. The revolution programmes in Australia towards the wild life animals is also generating the interest of people towards the wildlife tourism in Australia. The STP plan of Orang-utan Foundation is as follows. Segmentation: The market for wild life tourism can be divided into two parts, personal market and organisational market. Personal market, as the name indicates, it is when people personally plan to visit wildlife places. In organisational segmentation, any organisations makes a programme or event for the people. Thus, these market segments can be divided. The personal segmentation can also be divided into two parts, one is an individual and other can be group or family. If we consider the individual people, people alone visit some places only when they want to feel something or want to spend some time with themselves. Thus, the wildlife places can help the people in accomplishing this objective. If we talk about the group or family tour, then the main aim of the people is to enjoy and gain refreshment. Wild life tour can become a tour for great adventures and enjoyment. Now, if we talk about the organizational segmentation then main type of organization which will take the interest in this type of visit will be School and colleges i.e. educational organizations, Orphanages, Old age homes and various other social organizations. The purpose of this organization can also be divided into two parts, enjoyment and knowledge. Thus, the market can be segmented into personal and organizational segments. Targeted Market If we talk about the wild life places then these places are appropriate for the people of all age groups, but mainly the children of age group 5 to 15 enjoy mostly in these places. Some working people also come to these types of places for getting relaxed and for refreshment (Money Control, 2014). These types of places can be a great spot for picnics and for spending weekends. The college students, mainly of the age group of 16 to 25, come at these types of places for creating their documentaries on animals and wild life. Old age people can also come here for getting peace and divinity. Thus, in terms of age groups, these types of places targets the people of all age groups but mostly it will target the children of age group 5 to 15 years. In terms of organizations, it will target the schools, orphanages, old age homes and college. Schools and colleges can organise their tours for two purposes, one is for picnic and second is for knowledge and educational purposes. Orphanages and Old age homes can also organise their tours for the enjoyment purpose. Positioning There are various wild life organizations and places in Australia. There is a lot of competition in Australian market for wild life tourism but as The Orang-utan Foundation is a non-profit organization, it doesnt consider the competition so much. The Orang-utan organization specially cares only about the Orang-utans. It only provides its services in saving and preserving the Orang-utans. Thus, this only considers the market for Orang-utans specifically. When considering Orang-utans, it doesnt compromise. The main attraction of the Orang-utan Foundation is research and study on the Orang-utans. This will help the people in gaining various types of knowledge about the Orang-utans. Thus, by considering the overall factors it can be said that if we consider the overall wildlife tourism market then it may be back in the position but if we consider only about Orang-utans then Orang-utan Foundation can be considered on the top rank (Orangutan Foundation, 2014). 4P of Orang-utan Foundation The 4Ps of the orang-utan foundations are as follows: People There are many people engaged in the 4P foundation. These people can be the visitors of different age groups and organizations and the employees associated with the Orang-utan Foundation. The employees who should be considered more will be the Marketing manager, employees under the marketing manager, People who will attend the guests and other management employees. Thus, there are various people associated in the process of Orang-utan foundation (Orang-utan, 2012). Place Of course the place that we are considering is Australia. Moreover, if we talk about the place, the place required for this should be outside the city. Only then it can provide relaxation to the visitors. The other requirement of the place should be according to the Orang-utans so that they can live peacefully. It is necessary to consider this to make them feel calm otherwise it may be very difficult to handle them (Sharma, 2014). Price If we consider the price, as Orang-utan Foundation is a non-profit organization, it does not consider the pricing so much but for running any organization, fund is a very important part (Orang-utan Foundation, 2014). Major fund for the organization comes from the donation. People of Australia can afford middle range of ticket prices for this. Thus, the prices of tickets should neither be too high nor too low. Promotion For promotion, the Orang-utan Foundation should use the online marketing, the other ways of promotion will be the newspaper advertisement and the banners (Kotler, 2010). Conclusion The Orang-utan Foundation is basically a non-profit organization of Indonesia working worldwide. This organization can be said to be a social organization, basically working for the care and preservation of the Orang-utans. The population of the Orang-utans are decreasing continuously worldwide due to various reasons. Orang-utan foundation is researching the reason and solution to these problems (World Animal Foundation, 2014). If we talk about the Australian wild life tourism then there is a great scope in Australia for wild life tourism. People of Australia like to visit at these types places for many reasons. The main reason behind this is the various programmes being run by the Australian Tourism Corporation (Jakarta, 2014). This is creating the feeling and interest of people towards the Wild life tourism. The market of Australia can be segmented in two parts for Orang-utan Foundation, one segment can be personal and organisational but the children of age group 5 to 15 will be most interested for wild life tourism. Thus, the Orang-utan Foundation has a great scope in Australian tourism market. References Charting Impact (2013). Orang-utan Foundation International. Orang-utan Foundation (2014). About Orang-utan Foundation. Marshall, Andrew J. (2005). Orang-utan population biology, life history and conservation. Buckland, Helen (2012). The oil for ape scandal- How palm oil is threatening the Orang-utan. Orang-utan Foundation (2012). Orang-utan Foundation International- 2011 Annual Report. IMAX (2011). Born to be loved, Born to be free. Fredline, Liz (2007). An analysis of the domestic wildlife tourism Market in Australia. Sustainable Tourism(2014). Wildlife Tourism, Challenges, oportunites and managing the future. Newsome, D. (2005). Enhancing the avitourism potential of the Boondals wetlands, Queensland Western Australian Section, STCRC Industry Forum, 1st ed. Perth: Queensland Publishing house. Active- Tourism (2011). Ecotourism Statistical Fact Sheet. The Orang-utan Project(2014). The Orang-utan Project. Tourism Australia (2013). The Orang-utan Project. Tourism Australia (2014). The Orang-utan Project. WWF (2013). Adopt an Orang- Utan. BOS (2014). Bourneo Orang-utan Survival Australia. Money Control (2014). What is STP. Orang-utan (2012). Orang-utan Foundation International Journey into rain Froest with Dr. Birte Galdikas. Orang-utan Foundation (2014). Orang-utan Foundation International. Sharma, Mandeep (2014). Volunteer Tourism and Orang-utan Conservation. WWF (2006). Orang-utan Fact sheet 6 (12) pp. 2-4 Kotler, P. (2010). Marketing Management 8th ed. London: Pearson Publishing House. Coren, N Gray, T (2012) Commodification of volunteer tourism: a comparative study of volunteer tourists in Vietnam and in Thailand. International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 14, pp. 222-234. McGehee, N Clemmons, D (2008), An outgrowth of the 2004 voluntourism think tank a joint effort of Los Ninos Inc. Paper presented at the Educational Travel Conference, George Washington University. Orang-utan Foundation (2014) Orang-utan Foundation Mission Statement. World Animal Foundation (2014) Orang-utan.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Lord Byron Essays
Lord Byron Essays Lord Byron Paper Lord Byron Paper Kelsey May Mrs. Donaldson English 12, Period 1 10 November 2011 Comparisons of Lord Byron’s Poetry Lord Byron wrote poetry during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries when Romanticism flourished worldwide. Influences were far and wide for Byron’s poetry; from religious-biblical events to his beautiful female cousin’s marriage, he wrote about any subject matter he found interesting at that time. â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†and â€Å"The Destruction of the Sennacherib†are two of Byron’s poems that are well known in literature. She Walks in Beauty†caught the attention of many people as one of Byron’s best poems; it is considered to be a Hebrew melody written from a third person narrative point of view. â€Å"The Destruction of Sennacherib†is also a Hebrew melody in which Byron replicated the measures taken by the Assyrian king Sennacherib to capture Jerusalem. Although these two poems are similar in their use of literary devices, they are vastly different in theme, tone, and context. Literary devices are used by Byron all throughout these two poems. He uses literary devices such as prepositional phrases, similes, and symbolism along with consonance and assonance to paint the vivid pictures he tries to portray. â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†begins with a simile comparing the women who is the subject of the poem to a cloudless night with bright stars. Together the lack of clouds and bright stars combine to symbolize the beauty of the woman’s talent to â€Å"contain opposite forces within her†(Hacht 269). â€Å"The Destruction of the Sennacherib†opens in a similar way, referencing to a Biblical battle in terms of good and evil. During the battle, the Assyrian king Sennacherib and his army act as the evil trying to defeat Israel which portrays good. Byron uses a simile to compare Sennacherib to a wolf invading Israel which Byron also uses simile to compare to a flock of sheep. Byron uses his â€Å"word pictures†to create an incredibly amazing scene so that the destruction of Israel is more evident later in the poem (Napierkowski and Ruby 39). Symbolism is also one of Byron’s chosen literary devices in these two poems. The symbolism seen in these two poems heavily connects with is perspective of life as it is what he leans on to write his poetry (Kelsall 171). In â€Å"The Destruction of Sennacherib†color plays a huge role in symbolism; green symbolizes the energy, life, and maybe even confidence of Assyrian troops. The color green, Brent Goodman says, â€Å"usually reminds us of vitality, freshness, and life. †A few lines later the color quickly fades from green color of spring to colors of the fall symbolizing the death brought upon Sennacherib along with the death of his horse and troops. The color sets a dull and lifeless scene for the rest of Byron’s poem. In â€Å"She Walks in Beauty,†Byron uses physical features of the woman to symbolize the beauty of her inner self. Eyes are often thought of as simply an attractive feature of a person, but in this sense Byron is saying eyes but meaning soul. As Anne Marie Hacht points out, â€Å"in literature . . . the eyes reveal the heart†(269). Although â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†and â€Å"The Destruction of Sennacherib†are both works of Lord Byron, they are different in all sorts of ways; one being theme. The major theme of â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†is quite obviously beauty. In this poem he expresses this woman’s beauty so in depth it almost seems unfathomable. Byron compliments the lightness with darkness in order to compare the woman’s physical beauty and inner beauty (Hacht 270). Howard Needler says in his critique that â€Å"’Beauty†seems problematical from the poem’s opening line, where it literarily denotes an ambience that enfolds the motion of both night and the lady†(19+). This statement takes note that the atmosphere of the poem is split between the beauty of the darkness and the beauty of the women. This issue leads to Kant’s statement in the Critique of Judgment: Two kinds of beauty, free beauty . . . r merely dependent beauty . . . . The first presupposes no concept of what the object ought to be; the second does presuppose such a concept and the perfection of the object in accordance therewith. The first is called the self-subsistent beauty of this or that thing; the second, as dependent upon a concept (conditioned beauty), is ascribed to objects which come under the concept of a part icular purpose. (Qtd. Needler 19+) Looking at the poem with this incite, the light and dark meeting is more of a self-subsistent beauty where the beauty of the woman is more conditioned beauty. Byron makes use of the dark/light comparison in order to try and articulate the beauty of the woman, making the beauty of the woman dependent upon the free beauty of the stars. The theme of death in â€Å"The Destruction of the Sennacherib†is quite different than the eloquent theme of beauty in â€Å"She Walks in Beauty. †Death is the major theme in this poem for two reason; one being the fall of the Assyrian king and his troops and the second being the fall of pagan worship. The soldiers, the horse, and the king all die in respective order throughout the poem. The soldiers, listed first, seem to have the least affect on the poem with their deaths. Next the horse, stronger than any man, has a bit more of an affect as the poem zooms in as his desperate attempts to breathe as he dies. The death of the king had the most affect on his people because the death of him meant the death of paganism. The death of Sennacherib proves that the Christian God is far more powerful than any earthy king ever could be. Sennacherib dying did not only signify the death of the Assyrian king, it also signified the death of the Assyrian culture. A culture, as Mary K. Ruby and Marie Rose Napierkowski would say, â€Å"that worshiped Baal, the beleaguered pagan god of the Old Testament†(40). Yet this poem stands to be fiction because the Assyrian king Sennacherib was murdered by his own flesh and blood (Napierkowski and Ruby 40). â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†and â€Å"The Destruction of Sennacherib†differ in theme but they also differ in tone. The tone of â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†is one of serious nature; Byron is very passionate about this woman and all of her beauty. For this reason, â€Å"She Walks in Beauty†does not have a tone that is extremely flamboyant. Byron focuses on the complexity of this woman as though she is multi-faceted; he is as infatuated with her inner beauty as he is with her physical beauty. Byron notes that â€Å"One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace,†meaning if this woman had one more or one less inquisitive characteristic her whole demeanor would not be that of this perfect being. This idea of â€Å"nameless grace†is brought onto this woman from heaven, which goes along with the expression â€Å"she is graced by beauty. †(Hacht 270). The seriousness of this poem can be seen through Byron’s attempt to overstate the characteristics of this woman both physically and internally in order to create the image of a woman so amazing is the epitome of perfection (Hacht 272).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Shell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Shell - Essay Example There is no laid out rule that clearly states what and how the reserves of oil is to be estimated, though there are guidelines given by SEC for the purpose. SEC guidelines were also not met by the reserves estimation that was declared by the executives of the company and they knew it all along. Continuing pressure on non-declaration of the actual reserve estimation in line with the law, made them to come out and accept a revision in their reserves. This made the share prices tumble and the company started losing its standing in the market place. Whereas compared to its competitors the company should have been rated low even in 1997, but the executives of the company for holding up their company's performance, raised the reserves ratio and other key performance indicators of the company. This could be looked at as the pressure on the company to really escalate figures. Though this cannot be construed to be a valid reason for artificial escalation of the figures, it is the predominant reason why the reserves were shown bloated. The corporate governance at the company has been lacking the guts face up to the situation. The major cause of the problem is that the executives could not stand up for a loss of face in the initial run and still thought even after knowing that wrong representation has happened, the second note from Vijver to Watts on 22 Jul 2002 indicates that the company executives were planning really to cover up this even in the last minute. They expected to cover up the entire additional reserves indicated using either of the project maturation, license extensions and new exploration successes. It is important therefore, to note that the corporate governance in the company at its top level had sinister views. The overall company performance itself was in a quandary and to hide the same these fictitious reserves have been brought up. The lack of appropriate planning to counter the fall of reserves, the lack of judgment on the part of the executives to bring about changes in the company so that such performance degrading would not have happened are the major causes for the failure of the company. This is essentially a failure of the corporate governance. Secondly, a well governed organization will have its own corporate correcting and auditing mechanism that will bring even the top management under its purview. If someone should direct the company in a wrong direction, then the company should have a mechanism to throw it up early on or immediately after its occurrence. This will be the ideal control mechanism. In a well governed company that will be the case. A failure of corporate governance is obvious here since such a mechanism has failed to exist in the company or has failed to be active. b) After 2000-01, Shell management decided to come out because of the constant nagging fear that they might really be caught making this mistake and lying to people consistently. Vijver, the CEO of the Shell EP, was also of the view that the RRR of the company has to be maintained since it would a major performance index that share holders will look at when deciding on the price in the market. The disclosure of the reserves had to happen since because of the disclosure that was done in a memorandum prepared by the staff of the EP. There was also an observation in the memorandum by the law firm, Cravaith, Swaine & Moore that the
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